1. The readings of today reminded us that Christ is our Good Shepherd and invite us to listen to his voice as he call us by name and guides us safely back to the flock.
2. During the month of May, the rosary will be recited at the grotto from 6:30 pm onwards and is followed with the evening mass at 7 pm. We welcome you to join us in prayer.
3. The Youth of our Parish will be organising a Summer Camp for the children of the Parish, from 8th may to 15th May. Those who have not registered are welcome to spot register.
4. There are no changes in the Mass schedule during the month of May on Sundays. The masses are at 7 am, 8:30 am and 10 am in the morning and at 6 pm in the evening. If the numbers at the service do drop, we may need to consider a change. Daily masses are at 7 am and 7pm.
5. Going forward from Sunday1st May, only the 10 am mass on Sunday will be streamed live. If there is a month’s mind mass or first death anniversary mass, we would live stream it only on request from the family.
6. The collections are as follows
a. Sunday collection Rs 31515,
b. Rear Helal building Rs. 5184/-
c. Matharpacady oratory Rs. 10000/-
d. Holy cross community Rs. 4500/-Collections
e. Lenten alms Rs 97,000/-
f. Box collection 3216/- We thank you for your generosity.

Fr. Nigel Barrett Parish Priest