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Announcement’s 5th March 2nd Sunday of lent, 2023


1. Today is the second Sunday of Lent, the readings of today invite us to embrace the call that leads us to a new life. In the Transfiguration, the divinity of Jesus is revealed and reaffirms to all of us that Jesus is the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets, May we listen to that voice.

2. During the season of Lent, the way of the Cross will be conducted on Mondays at 6:30 in Konkani and followed by Mass in English, On Fridays in English conducted by the Various Communities after the 7 pm mass in English and On Sundays after the 8:30 am mass followed by Sunday School.

3. The Schedule of the Community Station of the Cross is as follows Lenten programs- Station of the Cross will be conducted by the communities on the following dates:

10th March- Zone 6, 17th March - zone 5, 24th March - zone 4, 31st March - zone 1, and 2&3.

4. On Sunday 5th March at the 10 am Mass Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes will be administering the Sacrament of Confirmation to our students. We invite you to please keep them in your prayers.

5. The Women's Cell invites all women of Our Parish, 16 years and above, for A Night at the Oscars! We will celebrate Women's Day on the 7th of March with a special Mass at 6:00 p.m. followed by some fine dining and good music. Requesting all who registered to come prepared to walk the red carpet. For registration please do so at the office latest by 5th March. The registration fee is Rs. 100/’

6. The Senior Citizens group remind all members of their Prayer meeting on 9th March Thursday at 6 pm. in the Church. All are welcome.

7. We would like to take various groups of the Parish on lent Pilgrimages to various churches and spirituality centres. The First Pilgrimage is scheduled for Senior Citizens to Khandala on the 17th of March. While it is meant for Senior Citizens it is also open to other people from the Parish. Please register your selves with the Seniors Citizen committee member or with the Parish Office. The registration fee is Rs 100. The last date for Registration is Sunday 12th March

8. The next pilgrimage is on the 21st of March to the Dominican Spirituality Centre at Igatpuri. We will leave and 7 am and should return by 7 pm. Please register your selves with Ms Freda at the KG office. The registration fee is Rs 100. The last date for Registration is Sunday 19th March

9. The Final Pilgrimage is visiting 7 churches in the Bhandayar deanery and the shrine at Bhate Bunder ( Uttan ). This is Scheduled for Friday 30th March - Please register your selves with the Parish office. The registration fee is Rs 100. The last date for Registration is Sunday 26th March.

10. There will be a special free medical camp with ECG, Cardiac care, and bone density eye check-ups on Sunday, March 19th after the morning Masses in the School Undercroft, Details will be put up shortly on the Notice Board.

11.The Finance committee of the Parish will meet on Sunday 5th March after the 6pm mass in the office of the Parish Priest.

12.The Collection on Sunday 26th February was Rs 31680/-- - We thank you for your generosity.




Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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