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Announcements October 1st 2023, 26th Sunday Ordinary Time


1. Today is the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Jesus reminds each of us that the door of conversion is always open for us to turn back to God

2. We have begun our Novenas in preparation for our Parish feast. The Theme we will reflect on is And Mary was there! Mary, the mother of God, is always with us, journeying with us as we embark on a synodal path. After the Novena Mass, a statue of Our Lady will be handed over to the Community leaders to be taken to the Community. Please prepare an appropriate place/ Altar where the Statue of Our Lady will be kept in the Community and decorate it accordingly.

3. There are a few special programs lined up in preparation for the Parish Feast. On Thursday 5th October - we will be Screening the Documentary of 15 minutes on The Catholic Community of Mazagaon (prepared by the youth) -in the Undercroft after the Novena mass

4. 6th Oct Friday – We have a special Shadow play - "A Gift from The Queen" - This production tells the story of the Rosary and its impact on our lives. This will be in the Undercroft after the Novena mass - All Parishioners are welcome to attend

5. 7th Oct Saturday we have our parishioner young and old display their talents through our- Rosarian's Got Talent program. This is in the Undercroft after Novena mass and we hope you extend this invite to our former parishioners who have settled in other parts of the city and the world. All these days entry is free for all the programs.

6. Those who would like to put up a food stall on the 6th and 7th Oct please get in touch with your Zonal PPC representative or Joe in the Parish Office

7. Next Sunday 8th October we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. This is our Parish Feast and we have only two masses on this day. The first mass is at 7 a.m. in Konkani and the feast Mass is at 9 a.m. We invite you to stay back after mass and enjoy the live Band, meet and greet each other and share some cake.

8. While our celebrations and festivities are important, we should never lose focus on what we are celebrating so we invite you to come in large numbers to join the Parish fathers and Sisters in Praying the Rosary. We will Pray the Rosary in the church at 6:30 pm. After the Rosary we will have The Catholic Sabha Awards and The Parish Social in the Undercroft.

9. Please pick up your Passes for the Parish social priced at Rs 50/- contact your Parish community leaders for your Passes. If you would like to bring a guest you are welcome to do so. The passes for guests are Rs350/- per head.

10. On October 15th there will be a special screen of the movie Face of the Faceless, a wonderful story on the life, mission and martyrdom of Sister Rani Maria. It is truly an inspiring movie and we encourage you all to go for it. This is on October 15th at 4 p.m. at St. Anne’s Church. You may collect your pass from St. Anne’s Parish office or give your names to Joe at our Parish Office and we will collect the same for you. Entrance is free, booking your Passes is important to ensure adequate arrangements can be made.

11. The collection for Sunday 24/09/2223 is Rs. 35330 /- this collection goes towards the works of the Parish. Thank you for your generosity.

12. You may have noticed a box near the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary, marked Novena collections. This collection will be used to cook and distribute free meals to the poor after the feast. Whatever amount is contributed by the community will be matched by the Parish and we will invite you to help in the preparation, packing and distribution of the meals to those living on the streets.

13. We received Rs 208310/- by way of contribution for the Nativity of Our Lady. We have spent Rs 280,000. The details are up on the notice board along with a thank you email from St. Joseph Home.




Dockyard Road, Mazagaon, Mumbai 400010




022 23717035
022 23717030

Parish Office Timings

Monday - Friday:
10:15 am to 02:00 pm &
05:00 pm to 06:15 pm.

Saturdays: 10:15 am to 02:00 pm

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

©2023 Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Dockyard

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