1. Today is the 17th Sunday of Ordinary time. Jesus, through the parables, invites us to seek treasure that lasts and gains us eternal life.
2. July 31st is the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order. We pray especially for our Jesuit Brothers in our neighbouring Parish of St. Anne’s.
3. We celebrate the feast of Saint Peter Julian Eymard, the founder of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, on the 2nd of August. We Pray especially for the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, who have their provincial house in Matharpacady village in our Parish.
4. The Parish Council will meet on Thursday, August 3, 2023, after the evening mass in the KG classroom. Parish council members are all requested to be present.
5. August 4th is First Friday and the feast of St. John Marie Vianney, the Patron of the diocesan priest. After the evening Eucharist which is at 7 pm, we will have a special Holy Hour Conducted by the Priest of the Parish. We invite you to join us in prayer and bless us with your presence and prayers
6. We thank all the parents and youth who participated in the throwball and football match last Sunday. Thank you for your Participation and your sporting spirit.
7. Deepen your Faith courses will be conducted at St. Andrew’s College, Bandra every Saturday from 5th August 2023 to the end of January 2024. The timings are 5 to 7:30 pm. For details look up the notice board.
8. The Diocesan Vocation Service Center will be organizing the annual Quest program on 15th August at St Pius X Seminary (Goregaon East) from 9:30 am to 1 pm and will include Mass and lunch. Catholic boys and girls who are 18 years and above (senior college and working adults) and would like to discern for the Priesthood and Religious life or are interested in discerning their call in life are encouraged to attend this program. Register online at a nominal fee of Rs 50 only. For further details kindly look up the poster on the Notice Board.
9. The family cell of our Parish is organising a special family inhouse picnic in our church compound on Tuesday 15th August from 11 am onwards, we encourage you to come together as a family with your picnic basket, we will organise games, entertainment and a host of engagement activities for you all as a family. Details will follow via the Parish Council members
10. On the occasion of Vianney Sunday, we will be having a special collection for the sick and retired priests. For this purpose, we are giving each family an envelope, please make your contributions, the proceeds will go towards the needs of the sick and retired priests at the clergy home. Those who would like to make their contribution by cheque may do so in the name of the “Archdiocese of Bombay”. Please mention your PAN number and address for receipts. Please note this is a voluntary collection.
11. On the request of the Cardinal, on Saturday, August 12th, and Sunday, August 13th, a special collection will be made at communion for the relief measure for the people of Manipur. Those who would like to make their contribution by cheque may do so in the name of the “Archdiocese of Bombay”. Please mention your PAN number and address for receipts.
12. The collection for Sunday, July 23, was Rs. 37730/-. This collection goes towards the needs of the parish. Thank you for your generosity.
