1. On Behalf of the Parish Fathers and Sisters we wish you all a very Happy Easter. The Peace and Joy of the Risen Lord be with you all. Please convey our wishes to the Sick and House Bound.
2. We would like to place on record our gratitude to all who came forward to make The Holy Triduum a spiritual experience. Our thanks go out to Vilbert and the Choir for the wonderful singing that enhanced the liturgy. To the Altar servers for always being available to server at the Lords Table and to Br. Conrad who chose to be with us in spite of the seminary being closed and assist us the Parish Team. To the Lectors for their voluntary service of proclaiming Gods word and Eucharistic minister for always being available throughout the year to take the Eucharistic Lord to the Sick and Housebound. We Thank the Sister of Charity of Nazareth, for being so involved in all Pastoral activities. We thank Merwyn our Sacristy, Joe and David for all the work they do in the Church and for always being willing to go out of their way to assist Parishioners in any way Possible. Our Thanks also go out to the Ushers and the volunteers who were part of the Paso service. Our gratitude also goes out to Das, Augustine and Sabastian our Church workers who spare no efforts in ensuring that the Church and the surroundings are always ready for our services. Thank you to Fr. Merwyn, the Sisters and Freda for the flower arrangements and altar decor. A big thank you to the Parish council members and to the animators of the community for always being available to be our Link with the Parishioners of Rosary Church. Our gratitude also to the police and the civil authorities for giving all the required permission to have our service. A big thank you to the youth and the media team that ensure the streaming of the services throughout the Pandemic and during Holy Week. A Special thanks to the Parish team of Fr Shavito, Fr. Merwyn and Fr. Harry, it being a joy working with this priest team who are always willing to be available to the Parish Community. And Finally to you our dear Parishioners for all the encouragement, support and love you keep bestowing upon us. We all feel privileged to be part of the Rosarian family. We invite to take a piece of Cake that is sponsored by Freda and Sibert.
3. We will inaugurate the Blessed Sacrament Chapel on Easter Sunday after the 10 am mass. The Monstrance will be carried in procession to the Chapel and installed on the Altar. We thank all the donors and well-wishers that made the renovations possible. We do hope that the Chapel will provide you with a prayerful atmosphere.
4. We will be starting the Easter masses for the blessing of water. At these masses we will give each community the bottles filled with Holy Water that is Blessed at the Easter vigil. You are invited to gather your family around the Altar, say the Easter blessing and have a meal together as a family. The Community Easter Masses will be at 7 pm in the Church, the schedule is as follows.
a. Tuesday 19th April Zones 1,2 &3
b. Wednesday 20th April Zones 5&6
c. Thursday 21st April Zone 4
d. Friday 22nd April Zones 7, and 9
e. Friday 22nd April Zone 8 at the Oratory
5. St. Joseph’s Church Umerkadi is organizing a Blood Donation drive in collaboration with Tata Cancer Hospital on Sunday 24th April from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Details are on the notice board.
6. The Preparatory Novena Service will be Held at the Holy Cross Oratory in Matharpacady village at 7:30 pm from Friday 22nd April, all are welcome
7. Novenas at the Holy cross, D'lima Street opposite Bachoowall building begins on 24th April at 7.45 pm and on Saturday at 8.00 pm. The Feast Day celebration on 3rd May at 7.45 pm. All are welcome
8. We would like to place on record our deep gratitude to Sister Sheela Barla. Sister Sheela is transferred and will leave us in the 1st week of June.
9. Last Sunday collection was Rs 42311/- Maundy Thursday 37544/ Good Friday 46956/ 3hours Rs 11813 Paso Rs 9363 (this is for the Project for the Poor) We thank you for your generosity.
Fr. Nigel Barrett
Parish Priest