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Announcements 28th April 5th Sunday After Easter

1. On The 5th Sunday of Easter, Jesus declares that he is the vine we are the branches, cut off from him we can do nothing. May we draw strength and Nourishment from our Eucharistic Lord.

2.         The preparatory novena service for the feast of the Holy Cross on 1st May will be held at the Holy Cross oratory in Matharpacady village from Monday 22nd April 2024, the novena will be held daily at 7.30 pm. The Feast mass is on the 1st at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

3.         Novenas at the Holy Cross, D'lima Street opposite Bachoowalla building begins on 24th April at 7.45 pm and on Saturday at 8.00 pm. The Feast Day celebration is on 3rd May at 7.45 pm. All are welcome

4.         The Novenas in preparation for the Cross feast at the Rear Helal building began on 24th April at 8 pm sharp. The Feast Mass is celebrated on 3rd May at 8 pm. All are invited.

5.         ⁠Take Charge was set up as a project by the St. Joseph Educational & Technical Training Trust and the Archdiocese of Bombay, which aims To instil a passion for excellence in Catholic youth through a formal mentoring process. The sixth cohort began in July 2024. For Details Look up the Poster on the Notice Board.

6.         We are planning a Parish Picnic on Sunday 9th of June 2024 at St. Mary's Villa Khandala. The picnic is at a subsidised cost of Rs 500 per head. Your Parish Council members and animators will reach out to you for registrations. The last date to pay and confirm the booking is 30th April. Please avail of the opportunity and enjoy a day together as a Parish Family.

7. The 3rd of May is the First Friday of the month. We will have a Half Hour Adoration at 7 pm And Mass at 7:30 pm.

8.         During May, we will be praying the Rosary in the Church at 6:30 pm. We invite volunteers to lead the Community in praying the Rosary.

9.         The Rosarian Happenings is realised. Please access the same from the website. Your Parish Council Members have also been provided a link to forward the same to you.

10.   During May Mass timings on Sundays will be at 7:30 am in English, 9:30 am in English and 6 pm. In English. Please note the Change in timings. This Schedule will come into effect from Sunday 5th May to Sunday 26th May.

11. The other Collections are as Follows: The Sunday collection on 21st April was Rs Rs.29290/

We thank you for your generosity.




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