1. Today is the Feast of Christ the King. The life of Jesus of Nazareth redefines what we commonly understand as kingship. His reign consists of service to Humanity and obedience to his heavenly Father. He reigns from his throne, the cross. May we truly live as his disciples.
2. Please note the Mass timings: Masses will be at 7 am and 8:30 am. After the 8:30 am mass there with be a Holy Hour at 9;30 am, we will have the second Holy Hour at 5 pm followed by mass at 6 pm.
3. We have begun our Parish visitation, on Tuesday 22nd November, and Thursday 24th November we will visit Zone 8 from 7 pm onwards. We would be happy to bless your house, listen to confessions of the housebound and give you holy communion. Your Parish Council members and animators will keep you informed of the scheduled visit. We would like to spend time with you and your family, and we would appreciate it if you do not offer us anything to eat or drink
4. Admission for St. Isabel’s High School Jr. Kg for the year June 2023 has opened. Please refer to the website www.stisabelsmazagaon.in
5. We begin the season of Advent next Sunday the 27th of November, the advent wreath candle will be lit and the prayer made as a part of the 8:30 am mass.
6. During the season of Advent, we would like to have a short interaction and reflection with communities. These reflections will be on Saturdays after the evening mass and will be in the undercroft. The service would include prayer, reflection, and reconciliation service. It would also provide us with an opportunity to interact and meet with you. We will have the schedule ready by next Sunday and we do hope you would avail of this opportunity to prepare yourself for the coming of Christ.
7. The Sunday Collection Sunday 13th Nov was Rs.28410/. We thank you for your generosity.
Fr. Nigel Barrett
