1. Today is the second Sunday of Lent and the readings invite us into a covenantal relationship with God, the transfigured Jesus shows us the way. May we too be blessed and listen to him.
2. During the season of Lent the Way of the Cross will be conducted on Mondays at 6:30 pm in Konkani and followed by Mass in English, On Fridays in English conducted by the Various Communities after the 7 pm mass in English and On Sundays after the 8:30 am mass followed by Sunday School.
3. The communities will conduct the Stations of the Cross on the following dates:
1st March - Zone 3
8th March - Zone 4
15th March - Zone 5
22nd March - Zone 6
4. The pilgrimages to Khandala and Igatpuri are fully booked. Those who wish to make the Pilgrimage to Vasai please reserve your seat and make your payment of Rs 200/- to Ms Freda at the KG office.
5. We have introduced the concept of the giving box. The idea is that our sacrifice and fasting should benefit others. The box placed near the altar is meant to remind us that we are called to reach out to those in need. Your contribution placed in this box will be matched by the church and in the Easter season we will have the second round of the feeding project as done earlier during the World Day of the Poor. For convenience, we have put a QR code on the box for those who would like to make an electronic transfer. Please indicate the cause of your transactions.
6. Sunday the 17th of March is the last day of Sunday school. We will end the Sunday school with a half-day recollection to help our children understand the Holy Triduum. We will begin the recollection right after the Children’s mass. The details of the recollection will be communicated to you by your catechist.
7. The Mass register for April, May, and June open on 1st March 2024. Those who would like to book masses may do so from the 1st onwards.
8. The Church has a rich tradition of Paso services that are conducted on Sundays during Lent and culminate on Good Friday. We would like to revive some of these traditions and introduce the younger generations to this rich tradition of the Church. To revive this tradition we request volunteers to come forward to assist in these para liturgies. We will have a meeting in the KG classroom for all those interested on Thursday 29th February after the evening mass.
9. The Collections are as follows:
a. Box collection was Rs. 59180/-
b. Sunday 11th Feb Rs. 43250/-
